What is a N.S. cartridge?

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What is a N.S. cartridge?

So while we use N.O.S. for New Old Style, we use N.S. for “New Style”.

In our case it means that we use for our new 2013 designed cartridges the newest technology and parts, but based as much as possible on the parts as used in the limited version of N.O.S. cartridges and we use a new body. Actually we should say another -short size- body. We have chosen for a shorter body as that is easier to use with the arms currently on the market. The shape of the body is based on a design as already used by us in 19?? It is in fact a mix of the Kiseki body and the body of our MillTek high output MC cartridges.

The N.S. cartridges are based on the same internal design, the same kind of parts as the N.O.S. cartridges, but all parts are current production.

N.S. cartridges will stay in production as long as there is a demand for.

We have planned to offer the following models

Kiseki Blue N.S. MC Phono Cartridge
Kiseki PurpleHeart N.S. MC Phono Cartridge
Kiseki BlackHeart N.S. MC Phono Cartridge
Kiseki Agaat N.S. MC Phono Cartridge
Kiseki Lapis Lazuli N.S. (nothing planned till now)














